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Golang interface value: fat pointer again?
A brief tour to golang interface value
Recently, I have a project that requires me to learn golang in a short time. IMO, all language with GC is easy to learn and so does golang.
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Understand rust Vec indexing
declaration vs definition time compiler check
As I read the documentation for rust Vec, I want to understand how index operator [] works. For example, v[0] is a syntax sugar for *v.index(0) and how index is implemented? This leads me to Index trait implementation.
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Learn Rust fat pointer and type erasure from a Cpp programmer's perspective
Understand TraitObject and Slice implementation
The concept for Sized and Unsized is related to the type layout in Rust
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Learn rust mut from a Cpp programmer's perspective
Rust mut vs Cpp const
At beginning of learning rust, I mistakenly thought mut is a type decorator,
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Understand C++ vtable from assembly code (part 1)
A glance at vtable implementation
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Run NASM hello world on macOS
My first NASM program on x86_64 arch
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Use docker-in-docker in CI/CD
A brief intro to dind
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